2005-10-25 21:51 / Richyli.com 李怡志
從Cyber Journalist上看到CNN在找Blog Producer,很好奇,遂檢查了一下自己夠不夠格去應徵。
CNN這個Blog Producer,中文翻譯應該是「新網路線採訪編輯」之類的,需要的條件如下:
- 〤 Five years network or local television journalism experience in control room and live segment producing required. (很抱歉,沒電視台經驗)
- ○ Guest bookings experience desirable.
- ○ Must have outstanding computer knowledge and extensive understanding of and interest in blogging and the internet.
- ○ Qualified candidates must have strong editorial news judgment with experience pitching ideas and getting them through approval to air.
- 〤 Knowledge of American politics and key players in Washington is also important.(我只認得Bush、Rice、Rumsfeld這幾個,哈哈,如果要考「The West Wing」的政治人物,我可能答對的機率會比較高,「Leo~~!」)
Producer will cover web-logs (blogs), pod-casts, and other internet-based forms of new media. The web producer will locate, research, and report on blogs and web sites that include news, politics, policy, commentary, and other information of value to our viewers. The results will be daily television segments reporting on this area of the media. This person will be responsible for producing both the editorial content and also the graphic and video elements necessary to develop each segment. This person will also report on-air as needed.
裡面很多事情,例如「locate, research, and report on blogs and web sites that include news, politics, policy, commentary, and other information of value to our viewers」,我當初在中時晚報已經幹過好幾年了。雖然現在主戰場已經改變,不過偶爾還在雜誌上做這些事。很多人技術很好,但不一定能夠「of value to our viewers」,這一點我也被中晚操了好幾年了。
當然,我不可能用英文報新聞,所以啦,Adios CNN!
台灣的電視台會有「Blog Producer」這麼專業的缺嗎?顯然目前比較困難。
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