2009-04-18 10:05 / Richyli.com 李怡志
美國人重視圖表,可是從小開始啊。美國公共電視 PBS 給兒童的節目 Sid the Science 有一首可愛的「我愛圖表」(I love charts)歌,這,這應該找我來主唱啊!以前常有一種「美國初等教育很弱智」的感覺,但聽聽這首歌,又順便看了一下PBS Kids的網站,不會啊,美國教育還是很先進嘛。
話說學外文最困難的事情就是聽懂兒歌或者跟兒童打屁啦,所以把歌詞找出來了,這歌詞看得我熱淚盈眶啊,一來是因為聽不懂英文,二來是這給小兒的圖表歌,怎麼寫得這麼好啊。特別是這一句:「It gives you information you can see with your eyes.」,沒錯啊,聽過我上圖表課的人也一定聽過這一句,看過這張Slide啊,圖表就是「看得到的資訊」,特別是只能看得到的資訊,一定要畫。不過,就像我們會拿有糖衣的藥物給小朋友一樣,歌曲裡面吧圓餅圖說得太「甜」了,長大之後就知道不是這麼回事!
I Love Charts
I like checking out charts
’cause a chart’s cool.
A chart is a handy dandy scientific tool.
It gives you information
you can see with your eyes.
A chart makes you visualize.
You get the picture,
so do I.
May I please call your attention
to this weather chart,
I tell you this chart
is a work of art.
I see clouds on Friday,
and rain on Monday,
and good there’s gonna be
sun on Sunday.
I like checking out charts
’cause a chart’s cool.
A chart is a handy dandy scientific tool.
It gives you information
you can see with your eyes.
A chart makes you visualize.
You get the picture,
so do I.
How many kids like a dog or a cat?
Who wears a hoodie and who wears a hat?
Making a chart of what people eat?
Some charts look like a pie
and you know that’s sweet.
I like checking out charts
’cause a chart’s cool.
A chart is a handy dandy scientific tool.
It gives you information
you can see with your eyes.
A chart makes you visualize.
You get the picture,
so do I.
標籤: education, infographics, pbs, 圖表, 教育
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